REI60 fire-resistant floor

On 1 December 2015, SOTTAS SA passed the REi60 floor fire test in a composition loaded to 500 kg/m2. The test took place at the IBS Institute in Linz, Austria. A requirement of the Ceva project, carried out in consortium, for a floor brick. 

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Crosses and cylinders are used to simulate the load

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The hall during the test, after 46 minutes. 

After 57 minutes, one of the four fireproof glasses broke and fell. 

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After 65 minutes, the test was stopped. Half of the upper 3×10 mm laminated glass started to burn and fell out. 

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The white in the picture is the swollen gel. 

We now have the largest EI60 tested glass and floor system in Europe. 

The owner of this system is Sottas floor EI60.